Services that can be provided

--  Operation Monitoring Service  --
Remote monitoring of your server/network equipment is possible.
  1. PING/HTTP/SNMP reachability
  2. Disk usage
  3. Process operating status
  4. Traffic usage
--  Security Monitoring Service  --
We remotely monitor terminal connections to your network and take necessary actions.
  1. Detection and blocking of unauthorized terminals
  2. Check connection status and connection history
  3. Detecting duplicate IP addresses
--  Remote Maintenance  --
We can provide remote maintenance services via remote desktop, web, and telnet.
--  Reporting Service  --
We can provide detailed reporting services using the verification report function below.
● List of IP/MAC addresses used
● List of device registration information
● List of top 10 used services
● Service and server list
● Number of detected terminals/number of terminals detected
● Number of warning terminals/number of warning terminals detected
● Warning terminal IP address list
● Koban alarm detection status
● Unauthorized connection detection list
● IP address duplicate detection list
● Traffic report