

Cyber ​​Solutions is a company that aims to innovate internet technology. In collaboration with universities, research institutes, and the Internet community, we conduct research and development on network operation management, administration, and security management. Our newly developed technology will lead to Internet standards. Our goal is to make the Internet easier and simpler to use in everyday life through a blend of automation technology, innovation and creative imagination.
Representative Director and President Glenn Mansfield Keeni

Business Details

  • Network visualization & intranet security Development, sales and maintenance of NetSkateKoban series
  • Network operation monitoring NetSkate series development, sales, and maintenance
  • Network security consulting, research and product development


Company Profile

Company Name Cyber ​​Solutions Co., Ltd.
Establishment August 26, 1997
Capital 79 million yen
[Main Office]
LABO・CITY Sendai 3F, 6-6-3 Minami Yoshinari, Aoba-ku, Sendai, Miyagi 989-3204
Tel:022-303-4012 (Main)
[Tokyo Office]
Daiichi Hibiya Building 6F, 1-18-21 Shinbashi, Minato-ku, Tokyo 105-0004
Tel: 03-6869-8160

Officer Introduction

Director Makoto Seino
Chairman of Seino Gakuen Educational Corporation
Improving the safety, security, and reliability of information items that have now become essential to human social life is what will ensure our future.
Cyber ​​Solutions' challenge is nothing short of a historic undertaking!

Director Yukari Narita
Representative of Yukari Narita CPA Office
Professor, Tohoku University Graduate School of Accounting


We support Cyber ​​Solutions, which transmits world technology from Sendai that will form the basis of the information future society.

Yukio Takahashi who served as our company's director for many years has passed away.
May he rest in peace.


Advisor Shoichi Noguchi
Professor Emeritus, Tohoku
University Chairman, Sendai Applied Informatics Research Foundation
We look forward to your continued efforts to promote the ICT industry in the Tohoku region, especially as a driving force for the development of new security businesses.

Advisor Norio Shiratori
Professor Emeritus, Tohoku University, Professor, Research and Development Organization, Chuo University, IEEE Fellow,
Chairman, Information Processing Society of Japan (2009-2011) Honorary Member, Information Processing Society of Japan, Honorary Member of the Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers
Creation of new technology that creates "new fields" that are beyond the cutting-edge technology.

General Counsel
Takehiko Iwabuchi
Director of Yale Law Office


I believe that network security will become even more important in the future.
I have high expectations for the future development of Cyber ​​Solutions.