
NSK.ico KobanCloud

In addition to the security function that protects information systems from the threat of unauthorized terminals (detection of unauthorized terminals and connection prevention), it also has a network operation monitoring function that constantly monitors the network status, improving network reliability, safety, and availability. It's a system. KobanCloud makes the rich and powerful features of NetSkateKoban Enterprise available as a cloud service. It can also be used by general customers other than cloud service providers, and enables unified visualization of networks including subsidiaries and affiliated companies, as well as network monitoring and prevention of unauthorized connections.

Use as a new cloud service

  • Build a KobanCloud manager network and provide it as your own monitoring service
  • End users just need to install a Cloud sensor
  • Since monitoring is performed on an end-user basis, it is OK even if the end-user's network address overlaps

Internal use

We support cases where you want to use Enterprise features but have the following restrictions and needs

  • There is no dedicated line or VPN established between the administrator and the monitored network (there is only an Internet connection)
  • There are many locations to be monitored and there is no resident administrator at each location
  • I want to centrally monitor the networks of group companies that have been constructed separately


Services that can be provided

-- Operation Monitoring Service --

Remote monitoring of your server/network equipment is possible.

  1. PING/HTTP/SNMP reachability
  2. Disk usage
  3. Process operating status
  4. Traffic usage

-- Security Monitoring Service --

We remotely monitor terminal connections to your network and take necessary actions.

  1. Detection and blocking of unauthorized terminals
  2. Check connection status and connection history
  3. Detecting duplicate IP addresses

-- Remote Maintenance --

We can provide remote maintenance services via remote desktop, web, and telnet.

-- Reporting Service --

We can provide detailed reporting services using the verification report function below.

  • List of IP/MAC addresses used
  • List of device registration information
  • List of top 10 used services
  • Service and server list
  • Number of detected terminals/number of terminals detected
  • Number of warning terminals/number of warning terminals detected
  • Warning terminal IP address list
  • Koban alarm detection status
  • Unauthorized connection detection list
  • IP address duplicate detection list
  • Traffic report