
NSK.ico NetSkateKoban Enterprise

Switch Configuration Diagram - L2MAP (NMS Module)

Connection Diagram Between Switches

Obtains connection information between ports of Ethernet switches registered in NetSkateKoban Manager, automatically understands and visualizes the configuration.
  • Display switch connection diagram for each location
  • Port name configured within the switch
  • Port number



Switch Connection Terminal Diagram

The diagram shows the terminals connected to each switch port. Additionally, by positioning the cursor over the device icon, information about the selected device will be displayed.

If a non-intelligent switch that is not registered in NetSkateKoban Manager or does not support SNMP is detected, it will be displayed as an unknown switch.


Connected Terminal Display for Each Switch

By selecting a switch displayed in the switch connection diagram, you can display information about the terminals connected to each port of that switch.



Detection and Illustration of Unregistered and Non-Intelligent Switches

If a switch that is not registered in NetSkateKoban Manager or a non-intelligent switch is detected, it will also be illustrated. It is possible to recognize switches that are not normally allowed or unknown, making it possible to prevent negative effects on the network due to the connection of unintended network devices such as unauthorized Wi-Fi routers.


Alive Monitoring Using Ping

  1. You can monitor whether the Ethernet switch is alive or not by pinging it. If it is being monitored, PMon will appear in the diagram that represents the switch.
  2. Ping monitoring detects whether a ping is reachable by checking at set intervals. By setting the default settings for Ping alive monitoring in advance, it is possible to monitor multiple switches under the same monitoring conditions.
  3. You can set the action to notify the administrator by e-mail or by executing a command in the action settings when unreachable ping is detected.
Under surveillance


When ping abnormality occurs


Threshold Monitoring Using SNMP

  1. Threshold monitoring of Ethernet switches can be performed by setting SNMPMon (threshold monitoring) as the SNMPMon target. The SNMPMon target holds a configurable management object (MO). Monitor these MOs and record the results. If it is being monitored, "SMon" will be displayed in the diagram showing the switch.
  2. By setting the SNMPMon default settings in advance, you can register multiple monitoring targets at once from the switch list with the same monitoring conditions.
  3. You can set an action to notify the administrator by email or command execution using the SNMPMon action.
Under surveillance


SNMP monitoring/when an error occurs


Illustrated/Monitorable Switch Specifications

Switches that support the following MIBs can be displayed and monitored.
  • SNMPv2-MIB (RFC3418)
  • IF-MIB (RFC2863) (If not supported, a connection diagram can be drawn, but the IF name will not be displayed)
  • IP-MIB (RFC4293) Q-BRIDGE-MIB (RFC4188) or BRIDGE MIB (RFC4363)


Configuration Information Required for SNMP Access

  • IP Address
  • SNMP Version
  • Community Name


Verified Switch

Cisco Systems
  • Catalyst 2960
  • Catalyst 3560C
  • Catalyst 3750X
  • Catalyst 4948E
Allied Telesis
  • FS926M
Alaxara Network Co., Ltd.
  • ALAXALA AX2130
  • ALAXALA AX2530
ELECOM Co., Ltd.
  • EHB-SG2B08
  • EHB-SG2B16
Buffalo Co., Ltd.
  • BS-GS2008
  • BS-GS2016
Panasonic LS Networks Co., Ltd.
  • Switch-M8eGPWR+
  • Switch-M5eGPWR+
  • Switch-M24eG (product number PN28240)
  • Switch-M8eG (product number PN28080)
Netgear Japan LLC
  • S350 Series (product number GS308T)