
NetSkateKoban Enterprise FAQ


FAQ Number



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FAQ Number Q Category
1-6 Is it possible to monitor and manage network connections without a device running a NetSkateKoban compatible OS? 1. Intoroduction, Setting
1-7 Is one NetSkateKoban sensor required for each segment? 1. Intoroduction, Setting
1-12 Is there a limit to the number of devices that can be managed by one NetSkateKoban Manager? 1. Intoroduction, Setting
1-29 What does the picture of a dog that appears when starting the NetSkateKoban Console mean? 1. Intoroduction, Setting
1-32 Is it possible to monitor devices connected to a port where multiple VLAN IDs are assigned to one port of an Ethernet switch, or where the VLAN ID assigned to the port changes automatically? 1. Intoroduction, Setting
1-33 I am operating multiple IP networks on one Ethernet segment. Is it possible to monitor each IP network independently in such an environment? 1. Intoroduction, Setting
1-45 Can I install and monitor the NetSkateKoban sensor on a segment separated by NAT? 1. Intoroduction, Setting
2-1 Is it possible to detect unauthorized connections even in a DHCP environment? 2. Function, Operation
2-2 Is detection possible even if the firewall function of Windows XP SP2 or later is installed on the monitored device? 2. Function, Operation
2-3 Is the detection of unauthorized connections instantaneous? 2. Function, Operation
2-4 How is the administrator notified when NetSkateKoban Manager detects an abnormality? 2. Function, Operation
2-5 What conditions does NetSkateKoban Manager consider to be warnings? 2. Function, Operation
2-13 Is it possible for the NetSkateKoban sensor's communication interference function to block all communications? 2. Function, Operation
2-14 Is it possible to cancel the communication interference performed by the NetSkateKoban sensor for each terminal? 2. Function, Operation
2-20 If one Manager manages multiple segments, can they be listed at the same time? 2. Function, Operation
2-21 It seems that the network map can be displayed on the GUI, but does this need to be created manually? 2. Function, Operation
2-22 Is it possible to edit automatically generated network maps? 2. Function, Operation
2-28 Is it possible to mutually import/export data between NetSkateKoban and other companies management tools? 2. Function, Operation
2-38 Is it possible to collect Windows terminal name (NetBIOS information)? 2. Function, Operation
2-53 Can I monitor wireless LAN connected terminals using NetSkateKoban sensor? 2. Function, Operation